What’s Their Endgame ?

We’re living in unprecedented times! Nothing has hijacked the world’s attention like the events that opened 2020 and continue to unfold daily. The global population appeared to have entered a state of mass psychosis driven by fear and has never fully recovered. By now it’s obvious that it was all by design, not by fate as many were led to believe…

Logo for Agenda 2030, The Great Reset

Consider this…

“While most follow helplessly from one carefully crafted distraction to another, these pages look beyond the sinister sleight of hand to the actual agenda still hidden from sight. Almost certainly, many have never imagined the future as outlined in the following chapters. We owe it to ourselves and our loved ones to carefully consider the thoughts contained in this book” (Agenda 2030: The Great Reset, p. 7).

“You can’t get out of the way of what you don’t see coming”

Buckminster Fuller
Logo for Agenda 2030, The Great Reset

“When our emotions are hijacked, we are much less likely to engage in critical thinking”


What do you see?

Are the black sides of the cubes pointing to the right or to the left? Keep staring at the picture until they shift… Things are not always as they first appear to be! We need to examine our first impressions more carefully…

Agenda 2030: Great Reset - a pictogram showing the statue of King Nebuchadnezzar with a head of gold, chest of silver, thighs of bronze, legs of iron, feet of iron and clay and a great rock from the heavens about to strike it at the feet

The Next World Kingdom

is Imminent!

Agenda 2030: Great Reset - Bejeweled harlot in a purple dress holding up a golden chalice

A word from the Author

While I’ve tried to be tactful when discussing sensitive matters, I’ve made no attempt to be politically correct as there’s no time for such pettiness or cowardice!

Time is of the essence now